The duel: from trial by combat to a noble crime

Moscow, Moscow Kremlin Museums, exhibition halls
of the Patriarchal Palace and the Assumption Belfry
May 13, 2022 - August 14, 2022
The phenomena of duel has originated long before the duels of honor of the 18th-19th centuries, which are well-known thanks to classical literature. In the 16th-17th centuries, under the sounds of crossing blades and the groans of the dying, ideas about the importance of protecting noble honor were formed. The exhibition “Duel.

From God’s judgment to a noble crime” unfolds the story about this thrilling and spectacular time.

Planet 9 ©

Curators: Fedor Panfilov, Vasilii Novoselov
Authors: Agniya Sterligova, Nadezhda Babenko
Graphic design: Anton Luzyanin
Production: APV
Lighting design: Valeriya Gorelova
Photo: Vasilii Bulanov