Astana, National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
16.05.2018 - 20.05.2018
The peculiarity of the work in the exhibition halls of the National Museum of Kazakhstan was the need to take into account several existing dominants in the interior: a light box of complex configuration placed on the floor/ceiling, existing movable narrow wall panels, and requirements for visitors' navigation. We wanted to find a solution that would allow us to completely change the image of the hall with minimal construction costs. Several ideas became such a solution: firstly, the “inclusion” of floor/ceiling light boxes into the walls and the creation of a separate corridor - an “attraction”, in which light and mirror reflection created an ideal background for today's photo shoots of visitors. Secondly, the formation of a suite of rooms with the help of movable panels that set scenarios for viewing the exposition. Thirdly, it was the work with the colour of the walls.
Planet 9 ©
Authors: Agniya Sterligova, Ekaterina Alexandrova, Aleksandr Larin
Graphic design: ABC Design
Photo: Gleb Kramchaninov